Contact us
Pol. Ind. Riera de Caldes
C. Basters, 17
08184 Palau-Solità i Plegamans
Barcelona – Spain
[email protected]
+34 93 864 68 43 (Barcelona)
+34 91 371 00 42 (Madrid)
+34 647 923 602 (Valencia)

The IGM is an ideal solution for the preparation of gas mixtures. Its robust design allows high pressures and flow rates. With the software you can generate a gas mixture with the desired ppm in the output mixture.
The IGM industrial gas mixer developed by Gometrics allows gas handling operations to be carried out. Thanks to versatile software and a touch screen, the IGM allows the instrument technician to optimally generate the desired gas mixture required for his process. Typical applications include calibration of gas detectors, linearity analysis in analyzers, packaging for food preservation, surface treatments and biochemical reactors.
Robustness, precision, ease of use and safety have been prioritized in its design. Optionally, it can be supplied with an accredited certificate EN17025 in gas flow.
A product manufactured and marketed by Gometrics Instruments.
Pol. Ind. Riera de Caldes
C. Basters, 17
08184 Palau-Solità i Plegamans
Barcelona – Spain
[email protected]
+34 93 864 68 43 (Barcelona)
+34 91 371 00 42 (Madrid)
+34 647 923 602 (Valencia)